Artificial IntelligenceAutonomous vehicles

How EYE2DRIVE Forged New Paths in Automotive Technology in 2023

EYE2DRIVE is entering the year 2024 with enthusiasm supported by the big successes of the previous year.

We can definitively say that EYE2DRIVE forged new paths in automotive technology in 2023. Reflecting on 2023, I am thrilled to recount a transformative year for EYE2DRIVE, marked by significant milestones and achievements.

2023 was a great year for EYE2DRIVE

We started our year with an early highlight in March at SeaTech, where we were honored with an innovation award sponsored by Intesa San Paolo. This recognition was a fantastic start and set the tone for the exciting year ahead.

In May, we embarked on a remarkable journey with the Motor Valley Accelerator program, supported by CDP and PnP. This experience elevated us to a new level, enabling valuable connections with industry giants like STMicroelectronics, Marelli, and Ferrari. I’m grateful to the Motor Valley team for their exceptional support and the many inspiring individuals I’ve met who have reinforced my commitment to this project.

We achieved a significant milestone by completing our demo, thanks to the invaluable support of Dorian and Elios. This demo effectively showcased our technology and was first presented at the Motor Valley Accelerator Expo 2023 in Maranello in October. This event gave us a phenomenal opportunity to gather feedback and attract interest.

December brought an unforgettable experience in Silicon Valley, where we presented the EYE2DRIVE project at the PnP winter summit. The audience’s engagement and enthusiasm were truly inspiring.

Finally, during our time in San Francisco, we also visited the INNOVIT team, where we engaged in fruitful and inspiring conversations, further broadening our horizons.

EYE2DRIVE Incredible Team

I must highlight the incredible efforts of our dream team – Luigi Ottoboni, Andrea Raggi, Franco Folini, Carmen Cavallotti, and Corrado Songini. Their dedication, expertise, and teamwork were the bedrock of our success.


I extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who made 2023 an unforgettable year for EYE2DRIVE. Here’s to a fantastic 2024, and I eagerly anticipate the exciting steps ahead on our journey!

Monica Vatteroni, the CEO of EYE2DRIVE

Monica Vatteroni

2023 EYE2DRIVE Forged New Paths in Automotive. It has been a great year marked by significant milestones and achievements.
Hi, I’m Eye2Drive

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